Our Mission

Acolytes – Youth in grades 4th – 8th grade are trained to serve during worship services. Their duties include helping the Pastor during the order of worship. Mission Manager: Pat Ludwig, 510-8839, pgludwig@yahoo.com

Adult Bible Study – Sunday mornings we continue to open God’s Word together in the Narthex (church lobby) from 9:30am – 10:30am. Come and grow. Mission Managers: Kurt Wozniak and Francis Cote

Adult Inquirers – Wednesday evenings in the Fall and Winter, we meet in the Holy Cross Christian Center (HCCC) to find answers in God’s Word to questions about God, human beings, life in this world and the next, salvation through Christ, and God’s plans for us. Mission Manager: Pastor Nickel, 634-2332, pastornickel.holycross@gmail.com

Altar Guild – Preparation of the elements and upkeep of the altar linens. Please consider helping to lighten the load. Mission Manager: Ann Craig 741-4231, Karen Langiewicz 683-8332

AV Team –Record the Pastors message each Sunday, and maintain the audiovisual equipment. Mission Manager: Scott Brooks 636-4858, scottbrooks@yahoo.com

Boy Scout Troop – Holy Cross is the Charter Organization for Boy Scout Troop 664. This troop celebrated its 57th anniversary in 2019 and currently has about 15 scouts between the ages of 12 and 17. New members are always welcome. Mission Manager: Doug Hartley is Holy Cross’s Charter Organization Representative, kdahdartley@aol.com

Care-Ring Circle – A group of (women OR men) willing to make a meal/ meals for those who are shut-in, recuperating from illness or surgery. Also, need volunteers willing to drive people to appointments, shop, etc.
Mission Manager: Jo Corneck, 741-4311

Church Choir – All are welcome! We meet on Tuesdays 7-8pm in Krampitz Fellowship Hall. Mission Manager: Bill Cook, 741-0040 or williamc1964@yahoo.com

Clarence Community Food Pantry – The food pantry is located at Clarence Presbyterian Church on 9675 Main St., Clarence. Holy Cross contributes food, which may be brought into Krampitz Hall on Sunday. Holy Cross also gives monetary donations. There are more than 60 families in need of assistance from the Clarence area. Liaison: Nancy Herdic, 632-5705

Congregational Life – Have an idea for a function? Need to use our facilities? Need help planning a function? See Laura Scarantine for help with your event. Mission Manager: Laura Scarantine, scarantine@msn.com

Directory – In an effort to keep the directory up-to-date please send any changes to your address/phone/email/mission. Mission Manager: Susan Brooks at ssnebrooks@gmail.com.

GALations – Women’s fellowship opportunities and faith-based discussions. All women are encouraged to attend and participate while strengthening their faith and enjoying the company of the wonderful women of Our Holy Cross family and beyond. Mission Manager: Grace Swiatek 716-946-4773

Greeters – Early Service coordinator Diana Zubrzycki 741-5150, Late Service coordinator Linda Cummings 741-9140

Hearts for the Homeless – Hearts for the Homeless® is a mobile soup kitchen that feeds the poor and chronic homeless on the street, provides clothing, pertinent information regarding area services, companionship and hope for the future. A collection box is in our parking lot for clothing,
housewares, and any damaged fabrics for recycling. Liaison: Jill Carl, www.heartsforthehomeless.org

He-Brews– Food, fellowship, and group discussions for Christian men. All men inside and outside of Holy Cross are invited to attend on the third Thursday of every month at area restaurants or members’ homes. Mission Manager: Dave Chalmers, 759-7377

He-Brews Handymen – Need assistance with small projects around the house? Handymen can help. Mission Manager: Bob Corneck 741-4311, rcorneck@roadrunner.com

IT Manager – Francis Cote, 510-8742, holycrossclarenceITmanager@ gmail.com

Kitchen Manager – Debby Hamp and the Kitchen Committee are our first responders when there is a need for an event that would involve the preparation &/or consumption of food. They are not necessarily the people that would run every function, but to check the availability of the kitchen, and/or the committee’s availability to help with the event. If you need the kitchen, or need help to run a function, or noticed that we are running low on a kitchen supply, please contact Debby Hamp, 651-0974, debby518@yahoo.com

LCES Delegates – Lutheran Church Extension Society is a not-for-profit lending institution that began in 1892. Through the lending and grant programs, we strive to build up the body of Christ in local congregations and agencies of the church for the preaching of the gospel and for ministry to our neighbor. Holy Cross delegates are: Russ Ponivas and Alex Hartley

“Lutheran 3-0” Radio – Every 4th Sunday, Holy Cross sponsors a 30-minute broadcast bringing God’s Word and Christian music to radio listeners on WXRL 1300AM & 95.5FM from 9:00 – 9:30am. To volunteer as a lay reader or provide sound or technical assistance, please contact Pastor Nickel, 634-2332, pastornickel.holycross@gmail.com

Mission Trips – If you’re interested in participating in a mission trip, servant event, or disaster response team, please contact Pastor Nickel, Tom Marzano, Jeff Allan, or Rachel Nickel.

New Member Coordinator – Contact person for new members. Provides directory information, a mail slot, introductions, and answers questions. Mission Manager: Wendy Shelton, 716-691-9128, wendy0208@yahoo.com

Older Adult Ministry – Older adults have a legacy to give and a lifetime of experiences to share. The elderly can and do regain significant influence in their lives when they are involved with others. By working with older adults and enabling them to be advocates for their own successful aging, we all have much to gain. Mission Manager: Sue Tichy, tichyfamily4@yahoo.com

Parish Nursing – Barbara Wachtel RN is part of the visitation team seeing parishioners in their homes, hospitals, and nursing homes. She is available to help negotiate the health care system and well-versed community services available to those who need assistance in their homes, procedures necessary if assisted living or nursing home is required. She is available to transport to MD appointments and often goes in with patients to act as a “second ear”, asking questions to clarify and interpret for those who may have difficulty. She can also act as liaison to help out of town family members monitor their parents’ ability to stay alone. Mission Manager: Barbara Wachtel, 689-9323, Barbarabhw@roadrunner.com

Praise Band – Our Holy Cross Praise Band offers contemporary Christian music and songs at the Divine (late) service twice per month, our annual Service in the Park, and other special occasions. Mission Manager: Dave Shelton, 310-7559, shel0360@gmail.com

Saturday Fellowship Breakfast – Food, fellowship, and Christian discussion group. Everyone inside and outside of Holy Cross are invited to attend on the second Saturday of every month upstairs in Holy Cross Christian Center (HCCC) at 9:00am. Mission Manager: Scott Brooks, 636-4858

Sunday School – Pre-school through High School meet on Sunday’s at 9:30am in HCCC. Encouraging children and young adults to grow in faith by hearing God’s word and singing His praise. Mission Manager: MaryAnn Schettler, 741-8986

Tuesday Morning Bible Study – We meet Tuesdays from 9:30am -11am, where the coffee pot is on and “goodies” are available and discussion is plenty! Please feel free to join us, as we welcome people of all ages to share with us in the study of God’s Word. What spiritual uplifting we receive when we start the day with the Lord! Mission Manager: Linda Cummings, 741-9140

Vacation Bible School – for Preschoolers, Elementary, Preteens, and Teens! Each year is a different fun filled theme teaching all about God. Mission Managers: Ruth & Katie Marzano 741-3382

Worship Assistants/Lead Usher – Every worship needs Ushers and Communion Assistants to help our Pastor run a service pleasing in God’s sight. To volunteer or have a scheduling concern, please contact Paul Donnelly. Mission Manager: Paul Donnelly, 632-6511

Youth Coordinator – Our mission is to enable the youth to find Christian fellowship and growth opportunities within the extended Holy Cross family. Mission Manager: TBD