February 2015 News & Updates

Update from Council:

Call Committee Update/ Voters Meeting February 8th

We are pleased to report that the trip to the St. Louis Seminary was fruitful. The Interviewing committee, Call Committee, and Council have met and unanimously agreed that there are three candidates that are available and a good fit for Holy Cross. Therefore, we will have a Special Voters Meeting on February 8th, immediately after the second service for the specific purpose of presenting these three candidates to the congregation for a vote that will hopefully ratify the conclusion of these committees, and allow the call process to proceed. Please plan on attending this very important meeting. Thanks for your support.


Screen shot 2015-02-01 at 9.36.54 PMWe Celebrate Our New Visitation Pastor:

Pastor Belasic was born in Racine, WI, the oldest of 6 children. He served as a medic in the U.S. Army; earned college credits from the U of Missouri, U of Kansas and Kansas State College while in the Army; attended Concordia College, Milwaukee, and was admitted to Concordia Theological Seminary, Springfield, IL. He married Joy Mae Halverson of Sheboygan, WI on Sept. 6, 1958, and they have 3 children. He was ordained in his home church on June 16, 1963 and has served at Redeemer Lutheran in Spokane, WA, and Redeemer Lutheran Church & School in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. In 1987, he was the first LCMS pastor to earn his Doctor of Ministry degree in biblical stewardship from Garrett Theological Seminary of Evanston, IL. He has also served on the Eastern District LCMS staff out of Williamsville, NY, helping district churches with encouragement, outreach and biblical stewardship, then served as District President for nine years. In “retirement” he has assisted 13 churches as an interim pastor. For visitation he can be reached at cell # 716- 803-5710, or by email: dbelasiced@verizon.net


Screen shot 2014-11-30 at 12.10.43 PMCalling a Few Good Men

On Thursday, April 02, 2015 we will do the “The Living Last Supper” by Ruth Schram again. Pastor Randy will need 12 men (open to high schoolers too) to be Jesus’ 12 disciples. He would like to have all of the positions filled by February, and will then get you your respective lines. Please sign up in K-Hall. Thank you.


CAYA Gathering Postponed

Due to current renovations, CAYA Gatherings are postponed. We thank Elmwood Drive for leading us in January. CAYA is dedicated to living lives of meaning, impact, and community as we learn to follow Jesus.


Screen shot 2014-05-31 at 7.16.30 AMHabitat Buffalo

Thank you, Holy Cross, for the December benevolence of $186. Over 263 families are in houses that bring to mind and heart blessings of safety, security, warmth, and hope as this new year continues. These blessings are a reality because of your gift. God’s blessings for you all into this year 2015.


Heritage Home

The monthly visit with our friends at the Heritage Home will take place on Sunday, February 22, at 10 a.m. The Bible story will be “Jesus Chooses Helpers,” based on the story in all Four Gospels. We will be making a name card for each person indicating that our Lord calls each of us to be Hi followers. Always there is singing, prayer, and good talk. You are welcome to join in the visit and meet some good people!


sick visitVisitation Care

If you are or will be hospitalized or homebound and desire Christian care from the Holy Cross staff please phone the church office at 634- 2332 and/or email Pastor Randy at pastorrandy8900@gmail.com and let me know. Please do not assume that we know your situation because for many reasons we often don’t. We will do our best to visit you, and if homebound, see that you receive communion.



Holy Cross Joins the Joyful Response Program:

Tired of writing a check every Sunday? (Tired of having to pay for more blank checks?) Holy Cross is pleased to announce that we have joined the Lutheran Church Extension Society’s “Joyful Response” program. This automatic banking system enables Holy Cross members and friends to use electronic banking for their donations. The donor can select any amount for their donation, and have this done at whatever frequency the donor desires. This system even allows donors to designate their gift to established restricted funds, (e.g. Dream Fund or Building Fund, etc..). Best of all, the LCES does not take any fees or commissions for doing this. Please feel free to see any council member if you have questions. Enrollment forms are in the narthex, and for your privacy, completed forms should be returned to our Financial Secretary, Susan Brooks. Thanks for considering!


Screen shot 2014-05-31 at 7.59.55 AMDash’s Receipts

Please remember to save those Dash’s receipts and get them turned in! The money we receive goes to Habitat for Humanity. Thanks to Lorraine Woodman who continues to tabulate the receipts.